You won’t have any
trouble preparing it since all you need are just few ingredients that are
easily found and you can purchase them in almost every grocery store. We should
mention that these ingredients are potent aphrodisiacs.
Necessary ingredients:
- lemon
- Watermelon
According to many
experts, watermelon contains many different nutrients and also has amazing
aphrodisiac properties such as Citrulline and Lycopene. It should be noted that
you shouldn’t add salt, sugar, spices or any other flavors as they can reduce
the power of those 2 main ingredients.
Cut the watermelon
first and mix it in a blender. You should get about 1 liter of watermelon juice.
you should also blend the white lining of the watermelon shell since it is rich
concentrated citruline. Once blended, pour the juice into a pot and boil it for
5 minutes. Once boiled, add the lemon juice and mix these ingredients well.
Allow the mixture to boil until you get half of the amount. In the end, leave
the mixture to cool down and transfer it to a clean glass bottle. Store it in
your fridge.
In order to get the
best results, you should drink 2 tablespoons of this natural remedy in the
morning and 2 more in the evening. If you consume it on a regular basis, it
will improve your potency and Sexual performance in no time. The best part is
that this remedy is safe for people of all ages and both gender as well.
Source: mycentralhealth.com
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