Congestion and pain

What is sinusitis?
It is the presence of
infection or inflammation of the sinuses, which are hollow spaces where air
passes through the inside of the bones surrounding the nose. Produce mucus,
which drains into the nose. If the nose is swollen, it can block the sinuses
and cause pain and infection.
Duration of discomfort
Sinusitis can be acute,
lasting less than 4 weeks, or chronic, and last much longer. Acute usually
starts like a cold that turns into a bacterial infection. Allergies,
pollutants, nasal problems and certain diseases can also cause sinusitis.
Signs include fever,
headache, weakness, fatigue, cough and congestion. There may also be mucus in
the back of the throat. Treatment includes antibiotics, decongestants and pain
relievers. Source: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Flu and colds
Antibiotics yes or no?
Many cases resolve
themselves. Most of the time, no antibiotics is needed if sinusitis has a
duration less than two weeks. It is more likely that the doctor will prescribe
antibiotics if it lasts more than 2 weeks or recurs frequently, reports the
National Library of Medicine.
Relief of symptoms
Finding ways to thin
mucus will help to drain the sinuses and relieve symptoms. Drink plenty of
clear fluids can help. Also, you can apply a warm, wet cloth on the face several
times a day, or relieve allergies that could cause it.
Other tricks
Use a humidifier to keep
the air moist in your room. You can buy nasal sprays or drops that relieve
congestion or stuffy nose without a prescription, but you should not use more
than 3 to 5 days in a row, reported the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
What you should avoid
If you have sinusitis,
you should try not to travel by plane, avoid very hot or very cold temperatures
or sudden changes in temperature, lean forward with head down. If you have
allergies, and is not well controlled, can cause sinusitis is more difficult to
Preventing Sinusitis
If you smoke, you should
stop it; prevents indirect smoking; get vaccinated against the flu every year;
wash your hands often, especially after shaking hands with others; do not take
antibiotics given to you by someone else other than the doctor.
Prevention above all
Prevention is one of the
strong pillars of the Health Care Act Affordable. Therefore, there is a wide
range of preventive examinations that you can access for free or at a moderate
cost. Thus, it seeks to quickly detect diseases and give immediate treatment.
Sinus headache
Sinusitis is associated with a constant, deep and dull pain that
is exacerbated by head movements or effort, however, should be determined by a
medical examination if symptoms of headache are attributable to sinusitis. (National
Headache Foundation).
1:Traditional Home Remedy
This remedy of
grandmothers can give you a great relief gives decongestant. 2 tablespoons
dried verbena mixed with a splash of olive oil and 2 egg whites and cook 5
minutes. Allow to cool and applied to the sinuses and let set for 10 minutes.
2: Lavender and Olive
A widely used emulsion
mix 2 tablespoons water, 1 pinch of sea salt, 3 drops of olive oil and 3 drops
of lavender oil, are mixed and lead to heat until boiling, quenched and allowed
to stand, then 2 drops into the nostrils, 2 or 3 times a day applied.
3. Saline
Many people use marine as
nasal decongestant. You buy in pharmacies, but also can be prepared at home
with a glass of warm water and 1 tablespoon of sea salt. After it cools, apply
with a dropper 2 or 3 drops in the nose and inhaled sharply.
4. beloved vapors
Home inhalations are used
worldwide and by region, vary the herbs or plants that are added to hot water.
They are effective for their decongestant power: eucalyptus, pine, rosemary,
thyme and lemon, which is also used directly as nose drops.
5. Local Washes
Small teapots have become
a common item in many households, they are used to rinse the nasal passages
with a saline solution. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises
use them carefully, observing maximum hygiene and safe water.
6. Foods that help
Although not
scientifically proven, grandmothers said that eating garlic helps sooner.
Another food that helps is raw or juice of carrot, for its high content of
carotene strengthens the mucous membranes and increases the defenses. And the
ubiquitous orange juice, because it provides vitamin C.
7. Healing Oils
Mix 2 teaspoon of almond
oil with 10 drops of lavender and soak a cotton ball and aspires aroma massages
or make cheekbones with your fingers from the nose up. Another option is the
same practice but with 2 drops of essential oil of oregano 1 teaspoon almond
When to call the doctor
You should use it if:
your symptoms last longer than 10 to 14 days, if you have severe headache that
does not improve with analgesics, if you have a fever, if you still have
symptoms after taking antibiotics properly, before any change in vision or
small bumps on the nose.
Source: NIH
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