No kitchen is complete if no onions.
Perhaps they will mourn, but are on your side when it comes to health. Both
white as purple or red have vitamin A, B and C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus,
iron and potassium. Its main assets are alliin and allicin, the component
attributed to them several medicinal properties including anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant effect.
in antioxidants
The purple or red onion is richer in
antioxidants than white, since it contains anthocyanins, the pigments
responsible for red or purple and help prevent cancer and heart disease; also
they help to preserve memory, urinary tract care and slow the aging process.
contains more quercetin
purple or red onion contains a greater amount than white, quercetin, a nutrient
with powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells against oxidative damage and
prevent malignant tumors, also has anti-inflammatory anti allergic effect, and
promotes circulation blood. Quercetin has been used as therapy for
cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, cataracts, inflammation,
among others.
against diabetes
onion would be an effective natural remedy to regulate blood glucose levels in
people living with diabetes. According to researchers at the University of
Gezira, Sudan, the glucoquinine as well as its rich content of flavonoids and
sulfur, they have hypoglycemic effect and stimulate the secretion of pancreatic
juice which helps break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates in food.
prevent osteoporosis
good way to treat osteoporosis naturally is increasing consumption of red
onion. According to researchers bone biology at the University of Bern,
Switzerland, it increases bone density with a higher calcitonin, which is the
drug most widely used to treat osteoporosis that often occurs as a result of
menopause benefit.
a good digestion
onion is a great friend of our digestive system, fights constipation and helps
prevent intestinal parasites, thanks to its rich content in quercetin.
Furthermore, quinine containing stimulates liver, gallbladder, pancreas and
stomach promotes the functions and has a neutralizing effect of the acid, which
activates the secretion of gastric juices favoring healthy gut flora.
at bay
white onion is one of the most powerful cardio protective that exist in nature.
Allinase containing enzyme helps thin the blood and reduce levels of
"bad" cholesterol, which maintains the elasticity of arteries and
clean the
grease. A study by the University of Pennsylvania says that eating a medium
onion a day reduces cardiovascular risk and cholesterol by 15%.
making us mourn, it appears that white onion or purple can be very effective in
the fight against cancer. A group of scientists from the Autonomous University
of Madrid found that the outer skin of the onion is rich in a group of
substances that help prevent cancer. Sulfur compounds, quercetin and selenium
would be useful in cancer prevention by its antioxidant effects.
and purple onions are rich in sulfur compounds that are part of its essential
oil and are responsible for its characteristic odor and flavor. Alilpropilo
disulfide containing contributes to increase the production of red and white
blood cells which makes the defensive effectiveness of our body is raised, also
gives bactericidal and fungicidal properties that help remove many viruses.
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