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The New Stuff

Use This Mask Once A Week And Your Hair Will Be Thicker And Stronger Than Ever.

A lot of people have struggled with hair loss, which is becoming and increasing problem in today’s society. Most of us consider our hair as a part of our physical appeal and when we start losing it, it directly reflects on our confidence.
Hair loss and hair thinning are usually the result of various factors, like hormonal imbalances, nutrient shortage, allergies, physical and emotional stress, genetics, pollution, and unsafe hair products.
When people start losing their hair, some turn to commercial hair products, but others go for more natural and healthier solutions. The hair mask we offer you today is a great natural solution for stimulating hair growth and returning the strength, shine, and smoothness of your hair.
The treatment only requires you to apply the hair mask once a week to enjoy its benefits, and the best thing about it is that it’s made out of inexpensive and easily found ingredients.
  • Honey (1 tbsp of);
  • An egg;
  • A banana (ripe);
  • Flat beer (½ cup of).
Peel and mash your banana in a bowl, put it in your blender, add the egg and blend until you get a smooth paste. When done, add your beer and honey and stir well.
Apply your hair mask evenly on your scalp, put a shower cap on and leave it on for an hour. Afterwards, wash your hair with shampoo. Or, you can also apply it after washing your hair with shampoo, so that dirt and skin oils won’t interfere with its effectiveness. If you choose to apply it after, you can later wash it with just water.
Why it’s effective?
Eggs are full of protein, which your hair needs to grow long, thick and smooth. Eggs also give your hair a healthy shine.
Beer, due to its fermentation process, contains yeast which is said to thicken limp tresses, but also vitamin B, which can strengthen your hair cuticles.
Bananas contain a lot of vitamin C, E, and A, but also potassium, which is why they are great for restoring the thickness of your hair. The vitamins are very important for keeping your hair strong.
Honey is rich in vitamins, which means it is a great food for your scalp. Honey is also a great humectant, i.e. it draws and keeps moisture in your hair, which in turn makes your hair softer and smoother. It’s also said that honey can lighten the hair if used for longer periods of time, but you have nothing to worry about if you use it once a week.


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