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How To Use Pressed Garlic To Reverse Eyesight Loss Without Glasses or Surgery

Your eyes allow you to see the world. Unfortunately, their precious essence is underestimated, and today we use them to stare in the computer or any other gadget in the house. Such ‘activities’ exhaust our eyes and worsen age-related issues.
Even though loss of vision is usually associated with aging, in some cases it is largely affected by our lifestyle choices. Your everyday habits can sure increase or decrease the risk of developing macular degeneration.
When you think of lifestyle choices, it is your dietary habits you should be more aware of. Food is the best remedy you can have. In this article we shall focus on the benefits provided by garlic, as it is considered to have a huge power in the treatment of many ailments, including vision problems.
This ‘super food’ has brilliant healing properties, and it has been long praised for its tremendous potential. A study conducted at the Harvard Medical School involved thorough analysis of the diet and health condition of over 800 patients. Some of the participants were diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration, while others did not have such problems. The results showed that high-fat diet may have a huge impact on the risk of age-related macular degeneration.
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, i.e. fats in processed foods like potato chips, French fries, cookies and pre-packed foods, double the risk of developing macular degeneration, as explained by Dr Seddon. He also concluded that by consuming small amounts of foods rich in linoleic acid, and having two or more servings of fish packed with healthy oils per week could dramatically reduce the risk of this ailment.
Oily fish
Healthy fat in fish is actually docosagexanoic acid. It has an amazing effect on the blood vessels that reach to the retina. Docosagexanoic acid is highly concentrated in your retina, and foods with high amounts of this healthy fat decrease the risk of macular degeneration.
Researchers from the Tufts University in Boston conducted a study and involved over 4,000 people. According to their results, those who indulged in foods like white rice, pasta and bread, run at a higher risk of developing diabetes and macular degeneration. They also assumed that about 20% of the patients could have prevented their condition by reducing their consumption of processed ‘goods.’
Garlic affects the function of your platelets. Drugs with this role are known as blood thinners. The difference is that garlic does not thin blood. Moreover, it acts as an anticoagulant. Anticoagulants are agents that prevent blood clotting, and this could cause excessive and spontaneous bleeding.
Regular eye check is the best prevention of vision issues. Early detection is always the best prevention. In that way you will prevent any significant loss of vision.
Cholesterol reduction
Garlic does miracles for your cardiovascular health. Considering that it is a strong antioxidant, garlic can decrease triglycerides and total cholesterol. In numbers that would be 5-15%. Its antioxidant power prevents plaque buildups, which are held as responsible for clogged arteries.
Blood pressure reduction
Garlic also works well on your blood pressure. Allicin in garlic affects the function of angiotensin II. It is a tiny protein that contracts blood vessels.
To sum up, garlic is an all-purpose remedy, and it can help you prevent macular degeneration. Given that it is a natural remedy, garlic does not cause any side effect that occurs as a result of synthetic drugs.
Eat more garlic to keep your eyes healthy for longer. Add it to your soups, stews and salads. Remember, eating your food raw brings you maximum benefits.



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