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The New Stuff

The plant okra and its seed pods are also called the “lady`s fingers”. People in the US, the UK, and the Philippines call it okra with other pronunciation in Nigeria and Caribbean English of okro.
One glass of fresh okra contains 30 calories, 2 grams of proteins, 3 grams of dietary fiber, 0.1 grams of fat, 7.6 grams of carbohydrates, about 80 micrograms of folate, 21 milligrams of vitamin C, and 60 milligrams of magnesium. Due to these substances, the okra is an amazing plant which is highly beneficial for human`s health.
You can enjoy the health benefits of this plant in different forms- stewed, boiled, pickled, fried, at any period of the year.
Okra is able to relieve asthma symptoms, boost the immunity, reduce the levels of cholesterol, fight against diabetes, prevent kidney disease, and so on. In addition, it has been considered an effective ingredient in reducing the quantity of glucose consumed by food through your gastrointestinal tract.
Here we present to you an easy homemade recipe with okra that will help you balance the levels of sugar in your blood naturally:

You need 4 raw okras. Cut their tails and heads and put 2-3 cuts in a cup of water. Let them stay over the night. Drink the water in the morning, half an hour before breakfast.

Your eyes allow you to see the world. Unfortunately, their precious essence is underestimated, and today we use them to stare in the computer or any other gadget in the house. Such ‘activities’ exhaust our eyes and worsen age-related issues.
Even though loss of vision is usually associated with aging, in some cases it is largely affected by our lifestyle choices. Your everyday habits can sure increase or decrease the risk of developing macular degeneration.
When you think of lifestyle choices, it is your dietary habits you should be more aware of. Food is the best remedy you can have. In this article we shall focus on the benefits provided by garlic, as it is considered to have a huge power in the treatment of many ailments, including vision problems.
This ‘super food’ has brilliant healing properties, and it has been long praised for its tremendous potential. A study conducted at the Harvard Medical School involved thorough analysis of the diet and health condition of over 800 patients. Some of the participants were diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration, while others did not have such problems. The results showed that high-fat diet may have a huge impact on the risk of age-related macular degeneration.
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, i.e. fats in processed foods like potato chips, French fries, cookies and pre-packed foods, double the risk of developing macular degeneration, as explained by Dr Seddon. He also concluded that by consuming small amounts of foods rich in linoleic acid, and having two or more servings of fish packed with healthy oils per week could dramatically reduce the risk of this ailment.
Oily fish
Healthy fat in fish is actually docosagexanoic acid. It has an amazing effect on the blood vessels that reach to the retina. Docosagexanoic acid is highly concentrated in your retina, and foods with high amounts of this healthy fat decrease the risk of macular degeneration.
Researchers from the Tufts University in Boston conducted a study and involved over 4,000 people. According to their results, those who indulged in foods like white rice, pasta and bread, run at a higher risk of developing diabetes and macular degeneration. They also assumed that about 20% of the patients could have prevented their condition by reducing their consumption of processed ‘goods.’
Garlic affects the function of your platelets. Drugs with this role are known as blood thinners. The difference is that garlic does not thin blood. Moreover, it acts as an anticoagulant. Anticoagulants are agents that prevent blood clotting, and this could cause excessive and spontaneous bleeding.
Regular eye check is the best prevention of vision issues. Early detection is always the best prevention. In that way you will prevent any significant loss of vision.
Cholesterol reduction
Garlic does miracles for your cardiovascular health. Considering that it is a strong antioxidant, garlic can decrease triglycerides and total cholesterol. In numbers that would be 5-15%. Its antioxidant power prevents plaque buildups, which are held as responsible for clogged arteries.
Blood pressure reduction
Garlic also works well on your blood pressure. Allicin in garlic affects the function of angiotensin II. It is a tiny protein that contracts blood vessels.
To sum up, garlic is an all-purpose remedy, and it can help you prevent macular degeneration. Given that it is a natural remedy, garlic does not cause any side effect that occurs as a result of synthetic drugs.
Eat more garlic to keep your eyes healthy for longer. Add it to your soups, stews and salads. Remember, eating your food raw brings you maximum benefits.


A lot of people have struggled with hair loss, which is becoming and increasing problem in today’s society. Most of us consider our hair as a part of our physical appeal and when we start losing it, it directly reflects on our confidence.
Hair loss and hair thinning are usually the result of various factors, like hormonal imbalances, nutrient shortage, allergies, physical and emotional stress, genetics, pollution, and unsafe hair products.
When people start losing their hair, some turn to commercial hair products, but others go for more natural and healthier solutions. The hair mask we offer you today is a great natural solution for stimulating hair growth and returning the strength, shine, and smoothness of your hair.
The treatment only requires you to apply the hair mask once a week to enjoy its benefits, and the best thing about it is that it’s made out of inexpensive and easily found ingredients.
  • Honey (1 tbsp of);
  • An egg;
  • A banana (ripe);
  • Flat beer (½ cup of).
Peel and mash your banana in a bowl, put it in your blender, add the egg and blend until you get a smooth paste. When done, add your beer and honey and stir well.
Apply your hair mask evenly on your scalp, put a shower cap on and leave it on for an hour. Afterwards, wash your hair with shampoo. Or, you can also apply it after washing your hair with shampoo, so that dirt and skin oils won’t interfere with its effectiveness. If you choose to apply it after, you can later wash it with just water.
Why it’s effective?
Eggs are full of protein, which your hair needs to grow long, thick and smooth. Eggs also give your hair a healthy shine.
Beer, due to its fermentation process, contains yeast which is said to thicken limp tresses, but also vitamin B, which can strengthen your hair cuticles.
Bananas contain a lot of vitamin C, E, and A, but also potassium, which is why they are great for restoring the thickness of your hair. The vitamins are very important for keeping your hair strong.
Honey is rich in vitamins, which means it is a great food for your scalp. Honey is also a great humectant, i.e. it draws and keeps moisture in your hair, which in turn makes your hair softer and smoother. It’s also said that honey can lighten the hair if used for longer periods of time, but you have nothing to worry about if you use it once a week.

Turmeric is arguably the most powerful herb on the planet to preventing, reversing and curing disease. With over 600 health benefits, turmeric’s medicinal powers are seemingly endless! From cancer prevention to anti-inflammatory treatments, turmeric should be a staple in every diet. In fact, when compared to conventional pharmaceutical medications, turmeric has proven to be more advantageous than certain prescription drugs, like Prozac and Aspirin.

Turmeric as an Anti-Inflammatory
With more than 2 dozen anti-inflammatory compounds and 6 COX-2 inhibitors, turmeric reduces inflammatory outbreaks. COX-2 is an enzyme that reduces pain and inflammation. Put simply, turmeric’s high COX-2 content “blocks” inflammation and brings pain relief.

Turmeric as an Anti-Oxidant and to Prevent Cancer

Turmeric permeates the membranes of free radicals and neutralizes them. This prevents cancerous cells from spreading and creating more oxidation!
Studies prove that turmeric helps prevent several forms of cancer including lung, stomach, breast, colon and liver. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties prohibit the development of cancer by interfering with the cellular signals of chronic disease.

Adding Turmeric into Your Diet

Incorporating more turmeric into your diet can be daunting at first. But with these the tips and a delicious golden milk kefir recipe, you’ll be eating turmeric on the daily!
Whole turmeric root – add it to juices and smoothies and broths for a healthy punch of nutrients
Turmeric powder  add it to anything, from stir fry dishes to meat dishes, sprinkle away!
Turmeric capsules  unsure you’ll get your daily turmeric dose through food? Try taking two capsules a day, regardless of what you plan on eating

Golden Milk Kefir Recipe

This recipe is a delicious anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory with strong probiotic powers!

What You Need

  • 1 quart of prepared milk kefir
  • 1 tsp of the prepared turmeric paste
  • 1 Tbs coconut oil (I just added in a solid state and my hand blender did a great job of incorporating it, I don’t have a bunch of coconut oil balls floating around)
  • 1 Tbs raw honey
  • Place all the ingredients in a bowl and blend by hand or food processor. Chill and enjoy!!

Chia seeds are spread all around the world as very useful and extremely beneficial for our health. A significant percentage of people think that chia seeds are actually like the chia pets but they are wrong. They are even more valuable that just being funny little animals. They are very helpful because they contain various health properties, for example, they are capable to reduce the inflammation, to stimulate weight loss and to boost the metabolism.
What Are Chia Seeds?
These seeds are very ancient and they belong to the sage family where they were part of the diet of Mayan, Incan and Aztec cultures. A lot of people have used chia seeds (black and white) because they have provide them energy during the day. They were more active because of chia seeds.
 The Most Important Benefits of Chia
There are a number of reasons these seeds are excellent for our health. Their effectiveness lies in their structure. These seeds are composed of:
  • Two times more protein than any other seed or grain
  • Five times more calcium than a glass of milk and also they have boron, a mineral which transfers the calcium to the bones
  • Two times more potassium that what bananas contain
  • Three times more antioxidants than the amount found in blueberries
  • Three times more iron than what is contained in spinach
  • It is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids
Moreover, these seeds are proven to be a complete source of protein, since they contain all of the essential amino acids. Chia seeds are also a rich source of soluble fiber.
Chia Supports the Health in This Way
Chia seeds are very effective in aiding intestinal regularity, balancing the blood sugar levels, improving endurance, supporting strength development and increasing memory. This are just some of the benefits which could be offered besides its nutrition. But the most important is that this seeds can also reduce inflammation and can support weight loss.
Metabolism Support
Antioxidants and the protein which are found in these seeds can improve the overall function in our body. In this way, our body will burn the stored fat very easily and also the excess calories.
Promoting Weight Loss
This seeds are perfect if you want to start with a diet because they are low in calories and you can consume it few times a day. They are also rich in fiber and protein, so by eating these seeds you will feel full without having to eat again.
Reducing Inflammation
Concealed inflammation leads to poor health in many people. It can sometimes be hard to find a solution for this kind of inflammation, but chia seeds are the perfect answer. Being high in omega-3 and Omega-6 fats, these seeds reduce inflammation.

Baking soda is used for all sorts of things, from cooking to cleaning, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo and even medicinal practices.
Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is a chemical compound that is a white solid crystalline, but often appears as a fine powder. It has an alkaline and salty taste.The ancient Egyptians used natural deposits of sodium bicarbonate creating a paint for their hieroglyphics.In 1846, John Dwight and Austin Church, two bakers from New York established the first factory developing baking soda.
Baking soda is used for all sorts of things, from cooking to cleaning, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo and even medicinal practices.
Mixing baking soda and water creates a very effective antacid
A paste made with water and baking soda will treat allergic reactions from poison ivy/sumac
Baking soda can help with the removal of splinters
Baking soda is very important for our health. In the body the main organ for producing bicarbonate is pancreas. It helps to protect the kidneys.
How to Repair Your Kidneys Naturally Using Baking Soda?
Patients affected of kidney disease in most of the cases have low bicarbonate levels and this is a medical condition names metabolic acidosis.
“Substituting a sodium bicarbonate solution for saline infusion prior to administration of radiocontrast material seems to reduce the incidence of nephropathy.” Says Dr. Thomas P. Kennedy
Professor Magdi Yaqoob said:
It’s amazing.’
‘This is the first randomized controlled study of its kind.’
‘A simple remedy like sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), when used appropriately, can be very effective.’
Out of 134 test patients with advanced kidney disease and metabolic acidosis, a haphazardly chose little gathering was given a tablet day by day, made of a little measure of sodium bicarbonate for a year. The kidney capacities of these patients declined at a rate that is normal with ordinary maturing and were more averse to require dialysis. This gathering had a 2/3 slower decay of wellbeing than the untreated gathering.
This study shows baking soda can be useful for people with kidney failure. That is, as long as the dose is regulated and under supervision.’ According to professor Magdi
‘This cheap and simple strategy also improves patients’ nutritional well-being and has the potential to improve quality of life and of course a clinical outcome that can remove the need for dialysis.’

This article will be super-interesting for all the ladies out there who’d want to have gorgeous, voluptuous locks in no time, but that’s all the ladies, right? This may sound super-difficult and complicated but it’s really simple actually, you just need to know what to do.
First you’ll need to start eating a bit healthier, we’ll suggest some super foods for fast hair growth, consume plenty of vitamins and start some hair treatments to stimulate its growth! If you start this regime right now you’ll notice amazing results in just one week. Trust us, you’ll be surprised!
These tips and tricks are very simple and easy to make. You just have to follow the simple instructions.
Tips and Tricks to Grow Your Hair Fast – in Just 1 Week:
Hair Treatments
Start hot oil scalp massage as soon as you can. A warm oil scalp massage uses natural oils to improve the health of your scalp and promote healthy hair growth. You can try essential oils like coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, and argan oil, all of them are excellent for stimulating hair growth. How to do it?  Warm up the oil in the microwave but test it before you use it to make sure it is not boiling hot. Heat it up to some comfortably warm temperature so that you won’t damage the hair or scalp in the process. Next, with your fingers gently massage your scalp with the warm oil using slow, circular motions. If you have someone with you ask them to help you. The massage should last for about 20 minutes. Next, run the leftover oil through your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Rinse and wash your hair thoroughly with a shampoo to remove all the oil.
You can also try this amazing homemade hair mask. Encourage your hair follicles to grow faster by applying a hair mask once or twice a week.
Make your own natural oil mask.        
Combine 1 cup coconut oil with 1 tablespoon almond oil, macadamia oil, and jojoba oil. Apply the mask to damp hair and leave it in for ten minutes. Then, wash and condition your hair as you normally would. Or, you can also use castor oil as a homemade hair mask. Castor oil is famous for its beneficial effects on skin and hair, stimulating growth and regeneration. It’s one of the best choices for fast hair growth
Start by massaging your scalp with castor oil and let your hair absorb it as well. Once you’re done cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it on overnight. When you get up in the morning wash and condition your hair as you usually would, make sure to remove all the oil.
Another thing you can try is ACV. It can be very effective at removing dirt, grime, and oil buildup in your hair, as well as any residue from your hair styling products. You can use it on the days you’re not using shampoo or use it in combination with your regular shampoo and conditioner. Just combine two tablespoons of vinegar with two cups of water and rinse your hair with this mixture. You may find the smell too strong but don’t worry, it will disappear on its own.
Start consuming Superfoods for your hair:
There are certain foods which are extremely beneficial when it comes to hair growth and if you want to have beautiful and long hair you should start consuming it. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, eat lots of lean protein, especially salmon (rich in omega-3 and vitamin D), walnuts (vitamin E), eggs (iron helps carry oxygen to hair follicles), and spinach (iron, beta carotene, and folate).  Add sweet potatoes, blueberries, and Greek yogurt to your everyday meals and watch your hair grow like crazy!
Other very useful advices:
1.   Don’t wash your hair with shampoo more than two or three times a week so that the oils in your scalp can penetrate your hair. 
Also you need to learn how to use the shampoo right! Make sure you rub it into your scalp, massaging your scalp as you do this, and then let the shampoo run down the strands of your hair as you wash out the shampoo. It’s also very important to always use conditioner when you wash your hair. It will help you replace the lipids and proteins in your hair shafts, boosting your hair to grow faster and longer.
2. You probably didn’t know that you should never wrap your wet hair in a towel, at least not in the regular type of towels. If you have this habit always use thin and soft microfiber towels. These towels are made of material that is gentle on your hair and dries it well without breakage.
3. Make it a habit to brush your hair before you go to bed. Start at the scalp and go through every section of the hair at least once. This helps the blood flow in your scalp, improving hair health and stimulating growth.

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